Guidelines for Capstone Paper/Honors Senior Thesis


A. The Capstone Paper

一个专业的学生在大四的时候修了系里300级的课程, for which the student writes, and presents in colloquia, a 15-20 page paper, written for the instructor of that 300-level course. 这篇论文将有2位教师阅卷,但评分将由课程讲师给出. This option does not allow for the possibility of Honors.


B. The Senior Honors Thesis

A major registers for the senior thesis course, at the 400 level, in which a student writes, and presents in colloquia, a thesis of 10,000 words (see guidelines). This option allows for the possibility of Honors.

1. Overview

宗教研究荣誉论文是一项广泛且有监督的研究项目. It is normally a one-semester course, for which one credit is given, involving a written thesis of approximately 10,000 words (excluding notes & bibliography). With permission of the instructor, a student may choose to do a two-semester thesis for two credits, entailing a paper of approximately 20,000 words (excluding notes & bibliography).

Senior thesis research grant: Thanks to the generosity of Trinity alumnus Tom Chappell, the Theodor Mauch Fund has been established to provide a $1,由宗教研究系教员评选出的最佳高级宗教研究论文,将获得10,000英镑的奖金. The fund also provides approximately $1,协助一名或多名人士就其毕业论文进行研究. 本研究经费的受助人将由系内教师在学生大三春假前的最后一天收到资助提案后决定.

Fall Term: 论文的口试必须在考试期的最后一天完成, 论文的最后一份必须在口试日期前整整一周提交. Theses submitted after that date will not be accepted.

Spring Term: 论文的口试必须在一般考试的最后一天完成,论文的最终副本必须在口试日期前整整一周提交. Theses submitted after that date will not be accepted.

Advisors may set up their own schedules with each senior, but they should work within these guidelines. Once a student and adviser agree on the date for the oral, 因此,提交最终和完整论文的日期(不可能再添加或修改), these become the absolute deadlines for that student.

The thesis project involves three components:

  1. A written thesis, 这是一个扩展的论点,通过文献证据来展示所提出的命题或观点,并得出连贯的结论;
  2. An oral examination on the thesis, which follows completion of the written work; and
  3. The colloquia, which involves a presentation of capstone work completed by all seniors, scheduled for the end of the semester, to which friends and family can be invited.

在注册你的论文之前(RELG 497为单学期论文), or RELG 498 for the first part of a 2-semester thesis), you should submit a proposal of 750-1500 words, plus annotated bibliography, to your thesis advisor. A reminder will be sent around each semester to prepare your proposal, 每年秋季的10月30日或春季的3月15日到期. 请注意:此提案将在您注册论文之前的一个学期内提交. 它将分发给宗教研究系的教员审查, comments, and advice.


  1. Provisional Thesis Title
  2. What is your thesis question or research objective? (Thesis Argument)
  3. What is the significance or importance of your thesis? (Thesis Significance)
  4. Which methods or theories will you use? (Methodology)
  5. What are your sources? (Preliminary Annotated Bibliography)

We encourage you to begin your preparations early for the thesis. To help, there is 来自宗教研究部门的有限资金,用于支持早期研究. This is a competitive grant, 你需要在大三春季学期开始的时候申请. We’ll send out information to you at that time.

2. Subject

论文的重点是学生选择的主题,由导师确认. 学生应该尽早选择他们的主题,以便开始对主题的调查, and to secure the thesis advisor of their choice.

3. Readers

Each thesis must have at least two readers from the department. The first reader is also the principal thesis advisor, 谁指导学生研究和写论文,并决定课程的分数. Additional readers from outside the department may also be included. 学生应尽早安排阅读,以配合课程表.

If a thesis is comparative in structure, 随着工作的进行,所有领域的读者都应该充分参与其中. One person, however, should assume the role of principal advisor. We encourage all students, regardless of topic, 在论文过程中与他们的第二读者保持联系, especially, 将初稿提交给第二读者征求意见和建议.

4. Process throughout the Semester

学生将在学期开始时尽快联系他们的论文指导老师. 然后,学生和教授将制定一个会面的时间表,共同完成论文. Thesis meetings are equivalent in importance to class meetings; regular attendance and progress form part of the final grade.

5. Thesis Revision

Theses are expected to be revised throughout the thesis process. The thesis submitted in final form 但是,对于口试,在提交后不得以任何方式修改. 提交的口头论文的最终副本的数量必须包括在一个黑色的春季形式活页夹图书馆副本. The latter should be given to the Chair for deposit in the library.

6. Grade

Two distinct grades are given for the thesis:

  1. A letter-grade for the course, 基于产品的质量(学生上交的期末论文), 以及学生与教授合作过程的质量, meeting deadlines, general involvement with project). This grade is determined by the thesis advisor.
  2. A ranking grade based on both the final written thesis and the oral examination. 这个等级是由第一和第二读者协商确定的. 它符合普通考试的大学等级,包括以下等级, High Pass, Pass, and Fail.

7. Non-passing Paper


8. Oral Examination

The oral examination, of 45 to 50 minutes, is given jointly by the first and second readers of the thesis. 学生必须在双方都方便的时间提前安排口试. 口试的目的有两个:确定学生是否能清楚地解释论文中的数据和解释, 并发现学生是否能超越论文所写的内容. 主要指导老师主持考试,但两位指导老师共同提问.

9. Public Thesis Presentation

At the end of the semester, after the thesis is finished, each writer participates in a public presentation of his or her thesis. You’ll have about 15-20 minutes to talk about what you’ve done, and there’ll be refreshments available during and after. Normally, 学生们邀请朋友和家人来参加这个聚会,帮助你庆祝你的成就!

10. Notification of Grade

口试结束后,考官会立即通知考生是否通过,但不会透露具体分数. 主席将写一封正式的贺信,表明排名等级.

11. Honors

To be awarded Honors in Religious Studies, 学生必须在符合专业要求的十门课程中取得平均成绩a -,并在高级论文和口头考试中取得优异成绩.